
Two full tuition free phd scholarships in music therapy research

: 09.11.2022

The Scholarships are directed towards the applied use of music in health, education and social service programmes in clinical areas of music therapy, or for clinically related theoretical research. Research projects will primarily be aimed at mu-sic therapy but can also be in art-based therapies or associated fields.

Two full tuition free phd scholarships in music therapy research

: 09.11.2022

The Scholarships are directed towards the applied use of music in health, education and social service programmes in clinical areas of music therapy, or for clinically related theoretical research. Research projects will primarily be aimed at mu-sic therapy but can also be in art-based therapies or associated fields.

The Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark, offers two full tuition free PhD Scholarships in music therapy research. The Scholarships are directed towards the applied use of music in health, education and social service programmes in clinical areas of music therapy, or for clinically related theoretical research. Research projects will primarily be aimed at mu-sic therapy but can also be in art-based therapies or associated fields. The PhD specialisation is linked to the five-year master programme in music therapy. The doctoral students are trained in a stimulating and enriching international and cross-disciplinary research environment and are offered a learning community founded on problem based learning principles.

The tuition free scholarship covers:

  • Registration fees at Aalborg University
  • Research supervision
  • Six integrated Aalborg PhD courses (each 5 ECTS)
  • Introductory ethics course
  • Expenses covered for yearly travels to, and accommodation in, Aalborg
  • The possibility to have additional research specific expenses covered
  • Assessments and defense of the PhD thesis

There is no salary attached to the scholarships, and no teaching obligations.

Application forms and further information:
Application deadline: April 17, 2023 (submit to
Response on application from the board: June 1, 2023
Interview with the head of the programme: June 2023
Enrolment (full time for 3 years, or part time for max. 6 year): autumn 2023

Further requirements for the application; please add:

  • a preliminary collaboration agreement with your working place confirming their willingness to support your enrolment as a doctoral researcher in Aalborg
  • a preliminary statement declaring that your financial income is secured during the enrolment period

If you are awarded a scholarship, you will receive an official acceptance letter with the information about your scholarship status. Please note that the scholarship programme is highly competitive and only two scholarships can be offered this year.

For further information, please visit our website: or contact programme secretary Hanne Porsborg Clausen ( or professor Hanne Mette Ridder (